
Teaching: EECS551 - Matrix Methods (Linear Algebra)

Graduate course, Graduate Student Instructor, University of Michigan, EECS Department, 2023

EECS551 is a linear algebra based course called matrix methods where I lead a weekly discussion that covers coding algorithms in Julia for classification tasks using linear algebra techniques. Moreover, we go through example questions to reinforce course material and exam preparation. Moreover, I moderated the Canvas/Piazza forum section to answer student questions related to homework and general course questions. This is besides the usual GSI expectations of dealing with homework assignments, tests, and office hours.

Teaching: EECS351 - Digital Signal Processing

Undergraduate course, Graduate Student Instructor, University of Michigan, EECS Department, 2023

EECS351 is a Digital Signal Processing (DSP) course where I lead a weekly discussion reinforcing course material through further mathematical analysis and examples. Moreover, I moderated the Canvas/Piazza forum section to answer student questions related to homework and general course questions. This is besides the usual GSI expectations of dealing with homework assignments and tests.

Award: Rackham Merit Fellow

Fellowship Award, University of Michigan, Rackham Graduate School, 2021

The Rackham Merit Fellowship (RMF) Program helps sustain the academic excellence and inclusiveness of the Michigan graduate community, one that embraces students with diverse experiences and goals, and who come from many educational, cultural, geographic, and familial backgrounds. By offering financial assistance to those students who might not otherwise have access, we aim to reduce disparities in graduate education. We also aim to promote the values of diversity and inclusion by encouraging the admission and funding of students who represent a broad array of life experiences and perspectives, because this enhances the quality of the intellectual environment for all students.

Award: Math Academic Excellence

Award, University of Texas, Math Department, 2019

The Math Academic Excellence Award is a departmental award granted by the math department from UTA to students that demonstrate excellence in math through course grades.